Spiritual Capital
Posted on 06. Jun, 2013, in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values1 Comment
Pat Coyle spoke to Dr. Michael Sullivan SJ, Director of the MA in Applied Christian Spirituality in All Hallows College and co-editor of the book Spiritual Capital – Spirituality in Practice in Christian Perspective. Spiritual Capital is the most recently recognised form of capital within the 4Capital Theory (the four capitals referring to material capital, intellectual capital, social capital and spiritual capital, developed by Dr. Alex Liu) and aims to re-focus discussion on core social values. Michael begins by giving a brief explanation and goes on to discuss the importance of authenticity and the language of Spiritual Capital.
I found this a very interesting interview and was glad that the hard question was asked about each one’s interpretation of what her/his Spiritual Capital is. I was delighted that Michael did not give hard and fast answers but was open to dialogue, even with the most extreme of positions. I loved the way that Michael recognises the natural spirituality of children. the end of the interview leaves me with great hope that this is not a contained capital but one that can spread and influence all of life.