Staying in South Sudan

Posted on 01. Sep, 2016, in Charity, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Faith and Justice1 Comment

south sudan

Ailish O’Brien rsm has spent the last year in South Sudan. Inspired by a letter she got from an organisation “Solidarity with South Sudan” looking for volunteers, she decided to commit three years of her life to working there.

The decision to go was difficult. She explains how she prayed on it and asked the Lord what He wanted her to do;  ultimately she felt called to go and help in whatever way she could.

When she arrived, she found that there was more poverty and even less resources than she had been expecting. Roads were dirt tracks and the vast majority of people lived below the poverty line. Also while there was supposed to be peace, she heard gunshots from the first night.

At the start of August the violence escalated just as she was due to come home for Ireland on leave. She made it out after having being delayed several days, but is determined to return. She explains more to Miriam Gormally.

One response to “Staying in South Sudan”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    It was wonderful to hear this interview with Ailish.South Sudan seems to be a place of abject poverty but to hold an attraction for Ailish. She is now returning with her eyes open, not only to the various lacks there but also to the fact that she can be part of healing and enrichment for the people she serves. I send her every blessing for a difficult situation. May she be kept safe and may hope take hold in South Sudan.