Take Ten Minutes for Lent
Posted on 07. Feb, 2018, in Christian Values, Community, Retreats, Spiritual1 Comment
Taking ten minutes out for reflection is a new idea for a retreat run by the Jesuit Centre of Spirituality and Culture in Galway. Eddie Cosgrave SJ, the new Director of the centre says that they are looking for people to take part in a six-week Lenten challenge, dedicating ten minutes a day to a spiritual practice of their choice. He says they can chose to pray with scripture, sit in stillness, walk, run, exercise, listen to music or do something creative. Then along with a spiritual guide they will reflect on how that impacts on their life and how they can learn and grow from the experience. Eddie explains more to Pat Coyle.
Great reminder from Eddie. I live away from the capital but the idea of taking those ten minutes is invaluable.