The Quiet Revolution

Posted on 19. Jul, 2018, in Baptism, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Young peopleComments Off on The Quiet Revolution

Irish theologian Gerry O’Hanlon SJ examines the work and statements of Pope Francis saying that he wants to bring about a quiet revolution within the Catholic Church. He says that he wants to go back over 1000 years to a church which was more inclusive and and driven by the laity, essentially a ‘synodal’ church.

He considers the Pope’s strategy of a changed structure as one that would out-live his own pontificate. Francis advocates a critical openness to modern culture, with an emphasis on debate and dialogue. O’Hanlon argues that this project offers new hope of a better reading of the `signs of the times’ by the Catholic Church, not least in areas of sexuality of gender. The author applies this analysis to our situation in Ireland. He suggests that while a spiritual renewal from the upcoming papal visit is desirable, he hopes that a more long lasting change might be the realisation of a synodal Irish Catholic Church.

Pat Coyle asked more about this revolution.

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