The Synod’s Global Impact

Posted on 16. Oct, 2014, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Education, Feminism/Women in the Church, Humane VitaeComments Off on The Synod’s Global Impact


The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family has been looking at issues surrounding modern families and how to reconcile Church teachings with the reality lived by people on the ground. More than 250 participants, including 14 married couples from around the world are there. There are 190 voting members and over 60 non voting members as well as papally appointed observers, experts who are lay and religious women and men active in family ministries and pastoral care, canon law and moral theology. Gráinne Doherty, a lecturer in All Hallows and recently appointed director of Pastoral Development in the Raphoe Diocese talks with Miriam Gormally about how the Synod with impact the global church and looks at some of the issues that are being raised in other continents.

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