Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age

Posted on 29. Nov, 2018, in Book Reviews, Christian Values, Economy, Faith and Justice, Gospel ValuesComments Off on Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age

Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age is the name of Kevin Hargaden’s new book (foreword by William T. Cavanaugh) where he addresses the Christian problem with wealth. Economics and money is not a topic that the Church speak about very much and if they do, they are frequently told to stick to religious matters. However throughout his ministry, Jesus spoke frequently and unabashedly on the now-taboo subject of money. Indeed Hargaden says that over 50% of Jesus’ parables were addressing the issue of money or wealth in some form or another.

Jesus rarely had anything good to say to the rich – indeed the entire Bible is far from positive towards the topic of personal wealth. Kevin Hardaden was faced with the problem when he worked in a Presbyterian Church in Maynooth where there were many people who were very gainfully employed by tech companies, who would come to him seeking advice on what was the Chrisitian response to wealth. And Kevin was so struck by the issues they were raising that he went and did a phd on the subject.

What he found was that while the church has developed diverse responses to the problems of poverty, it is often silent on what seems almost as straightforward a biblical principle: that wealth, too, is a problem. The book address this and is particularly relevant in light of Ireland’s massive economic ups and downs over the last decade. Miriam Gormally spoke with Kevin Hargaden to find out more.

Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age is available from online stores and directly from the publishers » Kevin recommends you buy from stores that pay their taxes!

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