Travellers in Ireland

Posted on 11. Aug, 2016, in Faith and JusticeComments Off on Travellers in Ireland

Our second piece from the archives comes from Jan 2006 – it looks at travellers and their centre in Pavee point.

pavee point

Travellers have a long shared history and value system which make them a distinct group. Yet these values and differences often bring them into conflict with the settled community. Miriam Gormally met Phillip Watt and Martin Collins at Pavee Point – a partnership of Irish Travellers and settled people working together to improve the lives of Irish Travellers. Phillip works with the NCCRI (National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism in Ireland) and Martin Collins works in Pavee Point. Miriam first asked Phillip what it means to have a centre like Pavee Point.

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