Understanding the Virus

Posted on 28. May, 2020, in Community, Environment, HealthComments Off on Understanding the Virus

Richard Leonard SJ is an Australian Jesuit and friend of the Irish Jesuit Province. He is also the author of the best-selling book Where the Hell is God, in which he explores the false theologies of suffering that have been current down the ages and explores what a true theology of suffering should be. The catalyst for the book was a tragic accident that left his sister Tracey a quadriplegic at the age of 28.

In this interview above with Pat Coyle of Irish Jesuit Communications, Richard Leonard talks about the Covid-19 crisis in Australia and how he and his fellow-Jesuits are responding to it.

He also looks at some of the idea the circulate around the view that Covid-19 is a punishment from God or some ‘wake-up call’ to a secularist world that has lost its moral compass. He begins by addressing the question of where Christians get this idea of a violent and vengeful God and how that forms part of the thinking of a pre scientific era.

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