Vatican II: 50 years on
Posted on 02. Aug, 2012, in Church Teachings, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values1 Comment
In the last part of our series Miriam Gormally speaks with Maeve McMahon, a Dominican sister who was inspired by Vatican II to live and work with those on the margins of society. She lived in New Orleans, working as a school Principal and administrator. Hurricane Katrina forced her to return to Ireland. Here she talks about her renewed mission in Ireland as well as looking at the legacy of Vatican II. She also gives insight into what she hopes would be on the agenda of a Vatican III.
I was delighted to hear Maeve’a interview. Her open approach, not hiding her own vulnerability, is one that speaks of veracity. The final part, marking the issues of women and Earth, as being of vital importance in this very moment, needs to be proclaimed over and over.