VLM – Vintage Bike Gathering

Posted on 05. Sep, 2013, in Charity1 Comment

All Ireland Vintage Bike Gathering

The VINCENTIAN LAY MISSIONARIES (VLM) has  been sending volunteers to Ethiopia since 1995. Two young Cork women, Mary O’Sullivan from Sundays Well and Katie McGrath from Riverstown were the first volunteers. They taught in a school which caters for over 800 deprived children, with various life-challenges. Since then the VLM has grown and now has sent almost 200 volunteers to work on various projects. It depends totally for its success on volunteers and generous contributions. (Further info available at www.vlm.ie)

In:  “This morning I am here with Mary Kennedy …”

Out:   …cheering and motorbikes heading off to distance.

Time:  8.35

One response to “VLM – Vintage Bike Gathering”

  1. Michael McCullagh says:

    Thanks to Conor Deane for giving air time to the Vincentian Lay Missionaries and their voluntary work in Ethiopia. These volunteers work with in schools, with street children, with young aspiring Montessori teachers, with women in income-generating projects and with children in the newly built school for the Deaf in Ambo south of Addis Abeba.

    The bikers experienced Irish hospitality first hand in Carlow, Enniscorthy, Cork, Croom, Galway and Spiddal, Sligo and in many parts of Donegal ending up with a finale concert in Gweedore. To all who offered us hospitality and the bikers and vintage car owners who came to meet us VLM expresses its sincere thanks on behalf of all whom we are privileged to serve in Ethiopia. This was our unique Gathering of 2013.

    VLM would be grateful if the Regional Radio stations could advertise our voluntary work and continue to appeal for volunteers. If the person is generous with time and sensitive to the needs of others we in VLM will find a work to suit their talents. http://www.vlm.ie

    A special word of thanks to Mary Kennedy who encouraged us in our work and launched our bike run from the Church Restaurant, and to Kathleen Conlon from Sligo, a five times VLM volunteer to Ethiopia who features on this recording. M.