World Aids Day 2013

Posted on 28. Nov, 2013, in Charity, Community, Health, HIV/AidsComments Off on World Aids Day 2013

This year to mark World Aids Day, Trocaire will be presenting a special photographic exhibition.


World Aids Day, Sunday 1st Dec 2013      
World Aids Day is an internationally recognised day to raise awareness about  the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World Aids Day has been observed since 1988.

Facts about HIV

  • More than 35 million people are living with HIV globally. However around the world (including people here in Ireland) only half of those living with HIV know they have the virus.
  • 95% of people living with HIV live in developing countries.
  • While 9.7 million people are receiving treatment for HIV  more than 28 million need it.

There has been global progress in the fight against HIV

  • New infections are declining 2.3 million in 2012 which is 33% down since 2001
  • AIDS related deaths are down 1.6 milion in 2012 compared to 2.3 million in 2005

But there is still work to do and Trócaire believes much of this work needs to focus on women

  • HIV is still the number one killer of women around the world.
  • Where Trócaire works, in sub-Saharan Africa 76% of the people living with HIV are women

Trócaire’s work on HIV

  • It is estimated that faith-based organisations provide approx 40% of the care for people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Last year Trócaire supported about 110,000 people through our HIV programme.
  • Trócaire provides support for women in various stages of their lives, to reduce their vulnerability to HIV i.e. young women, mothers & grandmothers.
  • A new photo exhibition tells the stories of women Trócaire supports across Africa and Latin America

A seminar Faith in Action: Supporting Women in the Face of HIV will hosted by Trocaire and St Patricks College Maynooth
Thursday Dec 5th at 6.30pm 
Live streamed online for viewers around the country
Speakers are Mildred Macharia, from Kenya who is living with HIV and supporting other women alongside Trócaire partners.  Sr Maura O Donoghue  speaking on her work on Trafficking of women in Ireland and Fr Enda Mc Donough who has written extensively on HIV.  

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