Preventing Trafficking
Posted on 05. Jan, 2017, in Christian Values, Community, Gospel Values, Human Trafficking, Prostitution1 Comment
RENATE stands for Religious in Europe Networking against Trafficking and Exploitation. Mary Ryan rsm has worked with many others for some 30 years on all aspects of Trafficking & Exploitation. While she is engaged in working directly with people who have been trafficked into Ireland, she is also engaged in collaborating at National and International level to address the issue on political, legal and systemic fronts. According to the US State Department 600,000 to 800,000 thousand people are trafficked across international borders each year and the traffickers make $32 Billion each year. In this piece Mary talks with Marie Stuart about the people who are being trafficked, the need for a change in our laws and the importance of raising the awareness of all people in this regard.
What a shocking interview. Marie’s questions brought me totally into a listening mode, as she explored this frightening area. I cannot but stand back in admiration of all that Mary and those in RENATE do for the most vulnerable among us. Such a horrible way to live, taking the fragile and exploiting them for filthy lucre. the most shocking area for me personally was the talk of Auschwitz. I was always so glad that such concentration camps were not present during my lifetime. However, I now see that they are indeed present through trafficking right now – and quite close to me. Thank you both for this invaluable interview.