Anam Cara

Posted on 09. Jun, 2016, in Caring for Children, Community, Death1 Comment


Losing a child is one of the most heart breaking things for a parent to experience. Anam Cara was set up by Sharon Vard when she lost her own daughter Rachel and found that there was no support group for bereaved parents. They offer peer support by way of a bereavement group. They meet informally offering each other an opportunity to meet and talk in a comfortable and safe environment with people who know how they are feeling. They are also launching a “Daddy and me” campaign for fathers who have been bereaved and who sometimes find it harder than mothers to access support or to talk about their feelings. Miriam Gormally met Sharon Vard and began by asking her about her own journey with bereavement.

One response to “Anam Cara”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I was very moved by this interview, especially by Sharon’s insights that grief leaves a person in a different space. It was also good to be reminded that grief takes time, something only a person who has gone through the process can appreciate.