Bible Thoughts on Housing Crisis

Posted on 15. Feb, 2018, in Charity, Christian Values, Economy, Faith and Justice1 Comment

Dr Kevin Hargaden from the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice has written a lenten retreat with a difference to make us consider homeless in the context of Christianity.  ‘Home Thoughts from the Bible in a Time of Housing Crisis” is seven week retreat for Lent exploring the theme of homelessness in the bible from Genesis to the book of Revelation. Viewing scripture through the lens of a social justice theologian, Kevin shows how theology and scripture can inform our positions on social questions and influence how we spend our time and our money. It can even dictate how we act in the ballot box. Pat began by asking him why he wrote a piece with such an intriguing title.

One response to “Bible Thoughts on Housing Crisis”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I love the way Kevin brings scripture to life in a new way.