Carbon Free Lent Part 2

Posted on 05. Mar, 2020, in Christian Values, Community, Ecology, LentComments Off on Carbon Free Lent Part 2

Lent is a time to draw connections between our spirituality and the ecology around us, so says, Brendan McManus SJ, who has been exploring meaningful ways in which to make a difference this Lent. After some searching, he came across the idea of a carbon fast for Lent. However he says that the most important thing is to tune into how God can work through us to transform us.

In this second part of our series, he looks at the idea of living simply so that others can simply live. He adds that it brings with it a joy that allows people to be more in tune with what our real calling in life is. He begins by talking about the difficulties surrounding changing behaviour.

For more information or to do the fast, follow the link below.


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