Caring for our Common Home 2

Posted on 17. Jan, 2019, in Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Environment, Feminism/Women in the ChurchComments Off on Caring for our Common Home 2

Don Mullan is a best selling author, humanitarian and media producer who has spent his life working to promote justice. He has worked for years in Africa and South America organising famine relief and helping with development projects. His work there led him to see first hand the environmental damage that was causing havoc on these continents. In this first of a two part series, he looks at the moral and Christian imperative to embrace simplicity and to live with environmental justice.

In this second part he looks at how we each have our part to play. He also explores how one of the ways for the Church to embrace Mother Earth is to also embrace more of the feminine within the Church’s patriarchal structure.

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