Posted on 09. Jul, 2020 in EcoCongregations, Ecological, Ecology, Nature, Retreats, Spiritual, Spirituality Sr. Marian O’Sullivan, a Dominican sister in the Dominican Ecology Centre in Wicklow Town was host to John Philip Newell a Church Of Scotland Minister from Edinburgh with a particular interest in Celtic Spirituality. Philip was in Wicklow to give a talk to several priests and religious who are on a sabbatical residential […]
Posted on 27. Feb, 2020 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Environment, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Nature
Lent is a time to draw connections between our spirituality and the ecology around us, so says, Brendan McManus SJ, who has been exploring meaningful ways in which to make a difference this Lent. After some searching, he came across the idea of a carbon fast for Lent. However he says that the most important […]
Posted on 28. Feb, 2019 in Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Gospel Values, Nature
In this two part series, we look at the rise of the Climate Pilgrim – Catholics inspired to live out the eco friendly message of Laudato Si’, to care for “Our common home”. One such pilgrim is Jane Melle, who spent much of 2018 as the Project Co-ordinator of the eco-project at the World meeting […]
Posted on 17. Jan, 2019 in Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Environment, Feminism/Women in the Church
Don Mullan is a best selling author, humanitarian and media producer who has spent his life working to promote justice. He has worked for years in Africa and South America organising famine relief and helping with development projects. His work there led him to see first hand the environmental damage that was causing havoc on […]
Posted on 27. Oct, 2016 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations
On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Catholic institutions and communities from all over the world celebrated the month-long Season of Creation with the largest joint announcement of their decision to divest from fossil fuels. Major Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican organisations came together between September 1st (World Day of Prayer for Creation) and […]
Posted on 09. Jul, 2015 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Health, Nature
Nellie McLoughlin rsm has worked all her life in the area of cosmology, ecology and sustainable living. Her love of life and her early interest in geology/geography, was nurtured through learning and reflecting on life’s experience. She taught on the MA in Ecology and Religion Programme at Dalgan Park, Navan, Ireland. Her book ‘Out of […]
Posted on 18. Jun, 2015 in Christian Values, Climate Change, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Economy, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Nature
Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical focuses heavily on climate change and asks us all to protect our “common home”. This emphasis on ecology comes as no surprise to Jacqueline Kelleher who works in the Heritage Walled Garden in the Avila Centre in Dublin. The project was developed in order to create a community in the urban […]
Posted on 05. Feb, 2015 in Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Nature, Saints
Spring is a season, bringing fresh life and new hope, beginning with St. Brigid’s Day. It is a time of renewal and planting, something that is well known to Sr. Pauline McGrath, a Dominican sister who lives and works down in An Tairseach. An Tairseach is an organic farm where the Dominican sister live and […]
Posted on 09. Oct, 2014 in Climate Change, EcoCongregations, Nature
Good Energy Alliance Ireland is the only non-profit Environmental NGO in Ireland dealing mainly with fracking and climate change. They have been instrumental in campaigning against various oil companies who want to use fracking in Leitrim and Northern Ireland to extract oil. Miriam Gormally spoke with Dr Aideen McLoughlin, director of Good Energy Alliance Ireland […]
Posted on 12. Jul, 2012 in EcoCongregations, Ecology, Environment
Eco Congregations Ireland is holding its inaugural conference this year in Dromantine, near Newry, September 14-15. There will be many speakers looking at the theology of ecology and sustainable living. Included amongst the speakers is the Rev Peter Owen-Jones, Sussex-based clergyman, author and BBC presenter, who will be looking at the topic of well-being in […]