Caring for our Common Home

Posted on 08. Jan, 2019, in Christian Values, Community, Ecology, Humanitarian Aid, Vocation1 Comment

Don Mullan is a best selling author, humanitarian and media producer who has spent his life working to promote justice. He has worked for years in Africa and South America organising famine relief and helping with development projects. His work there led him to see first hand the environmental damage that was causing havoc on these continents. In this first of a two part series, he looks at the moral and Christian imperative to embrace simplicity and to live with environmental justice.

Here he explains to Miriam Gormally why his work with the Society of African Missions has made him really see that addressing our climate crisis needs to be our top priority – and that it requires nothing less than a revolution in our outlook.

One response to “Caring for our Common Home”

  1. Aidan J. ffrench MILI says:

    Yes indeed “the Church has lost its moral authority”.
    But let’s take “church” to mean VaticanII connotation and not be so reliant on clerics for advancing the implementation of the Pope’s Love Letter to Mother Earth.
    At parish level a small no of emergent, innovative projects are growing, without necessarily the ‘blessing’ of apathetic clergy. The laity’s role is to the fore.

    The Laudato Si project at IMOFCongress was ignored by Irish Media’s ‘addiction’ to paedophilia news. Joe Little of RTE was notable by his absence, having promised to attend (10 minute ride from Donnybrook!)