Response to Ryan Report

Posted on 10. Jun, 2009 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Crime, Young people

The Ryan Report shocked and upset people all across the country. It raised feelings of hurt and betrayal and a desire for change. Don Mullen, an Irish humanitarian worker and journalist, wrote an article in response to the report for The Tablet. In it he looked at the impact the Ryan report has had on […]

Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church

Posted on 04. Mar, 2009 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Conflict, Crime

New detailed guidelines on how religious authorities should respond to allegations of child sexual abuse by clerical and lay person have been published by the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church. Miriam Gormally met Ian Elliott, chief executive office of NBSCCC and Aidan Canavan Chairman of NBSCCC to find out […]

Atonement Walk

Posted on 21. Jan, 2009 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Conflict, Crime, Media, Pilgrimage

Due to the complex and sensitive nature of this issue, and to give it a full explanation, we have allowed this piece to run on longer than our usual pieces.   Mishandling of information regarding child sex abuse in the Church has again brought sorrow and disappointment to the people of Ireland. One priest, Fr. […]

Spirituality and Sexuality in Young People

Posted on 20. Feb, 2008 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Spirituality, Young people

Sexuality and spirituality are often considered to be separate, almost opposite. However Christine Clear from the Milltown Institute in Dublin claims that the two are linked, that a healthy and life giving sexuality leads to a vibrant spirituality. Miriam Gormally met Christine to find out more.

Age of Consent Dilemma

Posted on 13. Dec, 2006 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Relationships

The current debate about whether of not the age of consent for sexual activity should be lowered to 16 is dominating the headlines. Many teenagers are having sex at a much earlier age than would have been the case some years ago – and this is causing concern and alarm particularly among the parents of […]

Relationship Needs and Disability – Kelley Johnson

Posted on 18. Oct, 2006 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Faith and Justice, Mental Health, Relationships

Kelley Johnson was involved in a ground breaking study that looked at the needs and relationship desires of people with intellectual difficulties.  She found that the vast majority of them wanted to have some kind of adult relationship but felt constricted by society.  However she also found that many of them had been abused and […]

Panorama – True or False?

Posted on 04. Oct, 2006 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Faith and Justice

A recent BBC Panorama programme entitled Sex Crimes and the Vatican claimed that a church directive, which was updated by Pope Benedict when he was a cardinal, was being used to silence the claims of clerical sex abuse.  Eileen Good spoke to Michael Mullaney, lecturer in Canon Law in Maynooth College, and asked him if […]

Response to Ferns

Posted on 02. Nov, 2005 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Community, Crime, Young people

Fr. Jim Caffrey, director of the CFC, talks to Pat Coyle about the recent Ferns report and how this will affect his work in Catholic Youth services. Pat asks what can now be done to protect young people in the future. Fr. Jim explains the code of practice they have adopted to run CYC and […]


Posted on 07. Sep, 2005 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Economy, Faith and Justice, Young people

Liam Cahill reports on a number of current issues from around the globe including news on an economic and social research institute report investigating how vulnerable people fared during the Celtic Tiger, an appeal from the UN high commissioner for human rights for greater international cooperation to prevent the modern day slave trade and a […]

Quench Not The Spirit

Posted on 08. Jun, 2005 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Crime

“Quench Not The Spirit” is the title of a new book of essays honouring the world-renowned theologian, Father Sean Fagan. Last year, following a six-year long investigation by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Irish Episcopal Conference reprimanded Father Fagan for publishing a book entitled “Does Morality Change?”. In an interview with […]