Story of Lourdes

Posted on 23. Jul, 2008 in Lourdes, Pilgrimage, Saints

As pilgrims worldwide celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lourdes, Eileen Good met with Msgr. John Moloney, now retired, who has visited Lourdes 51 times, and for 15 of those visits he was the Spiritual Director for the Dublin Diocese.  He has also written extensively about Lourdes and the Apparition of Our Lady in 1858.  He […]

Music: A Street Child in Calcutta

Posted on 28. May, 2008 in Saints

This week for our music piece we have something a little bit different. Julie Dubsky, one of the students honoured by the Young Social Innovators, wrote a song about ‘A Street Child in Calcutta’.

St. Patrick

Posted on 05. Mar, 2008 in Saints

St. Patrick’s Day will bring parades and parties to the whole country. But who was St. Patrick? So much is said and celebrated about him, but what do we really know about the true story?  Miriam Gormally questioned Dr Dáire Keogh, lecturer in history in St Patrick’s College Drumcondra, She asked him how much we […]

800 Years Dominicans

Posted on 17. Oct, 2007 in Church Teachings, Saints

This year the Dominican Order is celebrating 800 years since it’s founding, by the Spanish Saint Dominic.  Here Tom McCarthy, who spent 6 years living in Rome as Secretary General of the Dominican Order, explains to Eileen Good how St. Dominic came to set up a group of preachers in response to a feeling that […]

St. Claude La Columbiere

Posted on 07. Feb, 2007 in Church Teachings, Saints, Spirituality

This time last year, the relics of St. Claude la Colombiere toured the country to great attendances everywhere.  A Frenchman, he was a Jesuit priest, ordained in 1669 and regarded as one of the most gifted orators of his time.  He was Spiritual Director to St. Margaret Mary and she understood him to be Christ’s […]

La Féile Bríde

Posted on 24. Jan, 2007 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Feminism/Women in the Church, Festivals, Saints, St. Brigid

Most people know that the 1st of February is St. Brigid’s day.  But this year is particularly special because it is also the 200th anniversary of the Brigidine Sisters.  Together with Afri they will be organising Féile Bríde, seeding a new springtime, a week-long series of workshops which will celebrate the coming of spring and […]

Reflection: All Saints, All Souls – Fr. Joe Cullen

Posted on 18. Oct, 2006 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Saints

November 1st and 2nd are two important back to back Feast days which are significant dates in the church calendar.  All Saints on November 1st is followed by All Souls on November 2nd which marks the time of year when we traditionally remember the Souls of the Faithful Departed. Fr. Joe Cullen Dominican offers this […]

The New Maeve Binchy Novel

Posted on 20. Sep, 2006 in Book review, Book Reviews, Church Teachings, Environment, Saints

One of the striking things in Maeve Binchy’s new book, “White Thorn Woods” is the portrayal of a parish priest.  She gives an insightful and sympathetic account of some of the stress and loneliness that a Priest’s life can involve.  Here Peter O’Connor reviews the book. 

St. Francis Xavier Celebrations

Posted on 30. Nov, 2005 in Church Teachings, Missionary, Saints

An introduction to the life of St. Francis Xavier. He was the first missionary to India, his body was taken back to Goa when he died and now there is a pilgrimage to his tomb. Jesuits from India, Spain and China talk to us about why this saint is so important in their countries.

Music at Mass

Posted on 02. Nov, 2005 in Mass, Music, Saints

Peter Barley, organist and choir conductor at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, talks to Miriam Gormally about the importance of choosing the correct music for mass and maintaining enough balance to draw people in but not distract them from the ceremony. Miriam queries when music actually became popular in the church or itv it was always there. […]