All Saints

Posted on 19. Oct, 2005 in Church Teachings, Saints

All Saints’ Day is a solemnity celebrated on 1st November.  In Western Christian theology, the day commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. Here, Iain Duggan OFM, shares his belief that sanctity is for us all, not just for the select few. He explains that holiness is a human face and […]

Saint Patrick and the Princesses

Posted on 02. Mar, 2005 in Saints

Each of the four provinces has its own stories and traditions of the national apostle Saint Patrick. For example, in Leinster, near Kilkenny, a pagan chieftain plotted to kill the saint. But Patrick’s chariot driver, Odhran, overheard the plan and prevailed upon the saint to swap places with him. When a spear was thrown at […]

St. Patrick’s Munster Prayer

Posted on 02. Mar, 2005 in Prayer, Saints

Dermot Roantree recites St. Patrick’s Munster Prayer.

St. Patrick’s Breastplate

Posted on 02. Mar, 2005 in Prayer, Saints

The prayer of St. Patrick’s Breastplate recited by Dermot Roantree.