Posted on 08. Sep, 2016 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment, Nature, Recycling
Inspired by Laudato Si’, Frank Sammon, SJ has established a ‘Care for Our Common Home’ based in Rathgar Parish. The group aims to promote the encyclical’s message both within Rathgar parish, and in the greater Dublin region. It hopes to stimulate discussion on key issues such as climate justice, and to translate such discussion into […]
Posted on 25. Jun, 2015 in Church Teachings, Climate Change, Ecology, Environment, Faith and Justice, Nature, Recycling
w The Pope’s latest encyclical “Laudato si” takes a very grim assessment of the current environmental crisis. In it he say, “The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.” On climate change, he writes, “A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming […]
Posted on 12. Jun, 2007 in Environment, Recycling
An Irish Woman is currently celebrating the first anniversasry of her ‘NEEDabag’ campaign to ‘rid the world of plastic bags and rubbish’. Shirley Lewis, also known as the Bag Lady has campaigned in Australia, Britain and Northern Ireland. Originally from Ballymena, she has committed to wearing plastic bags for the next decade to highlight the […]