Today’s Missionaries

Posted on 01. Oct, 2008 in Charity, Faith and Justice, Poverty

As we celebrate Mission Month, Bishop Hyacinth Egbebo is in Ireland as a guest of the Irish Missionary Union to speak about Mission and Missionaries.  A member of the National Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria, Bishop Egbebo was superior general of the order prior to being ordained bishop in February of this year.  […]

Attitudes to Refugees

Posted on 23. Jul, 2008 in Charity, Poverty, Refugees

While the Irish Government continues to talk about the importance of an integrated society, this summer saw the closing of the Integrate Ireland Language and Training centre. Miriam Gormally spoke with Hassan who talked about the difficulties of living as a refuge in Ireland as well as his disappointment that the centre was to be […]

Remembering Frank Duff

Posted on 09. Jul, 2008 in Church Teachings, Community, Faith and Justice, Poverty

Fr. Barney McGuckian was the speaker at this year’s annual commemoration ceremony of Frank Duff, founder of the Legion of Mary. Fr. Barney spoke to Eileen Good about the influence of the Legion world wide and his memories of the times when he met Frank Duff.

News from Zimbabwe

Posted on 09. Jul, 2008 in Politics, Poverty

It is just over one week since Mugabe won the second election in Zimbabwe. It was an election that made a mockery of democracy, with only one man as a choice. Since then the people of Zimbabwe have been trying to get on with their lives in the face of brutality and soaring prices. Miriam […]

G8 in Japan

Posted on 09. Jul, 2008 in Charity, Humanitarian Aid, Poverty

As food and oil prices increase dramatically pushing more people into extreme poverty, the world waits for leadership from the G-8. Earlier this week, Pope Benedict XVI joined his voice to the appeals on the members of the G-8 to make good on promises to the poor. Miriam Gormally interviewed Max Lawson, policy officer with […]

Refugees and Jobs?

Posted on 09. Jun, 2008 in Charity, Poverty

Applying for refuge status in Ireland is a long and drawn out ordeal. While waiting news people live in what is known as direct provision. This usually means very basic food provisions and often-overcrowded accommodation, plus a weekly allowance of 19euro a week. These conditions have been strongly criticised by the Vincentian refuge centre as […]

Young Social Innovators

Posted on 28. May, 2008 in Charity, Poverty, Young people

Recently young people from all over the country were honoured for their contributions to society though the Young Social Innovators projects. It is an opportunity for people to take on projects wherever they feel there is a need. Miriam Gormally met two students Julie Dubsky and Karen Milne from Newtown school in Waterford who helped […]

Volunteering in Colombia

Posted on 28. May, 2008 in Charity, Humanitarian Aid, Poverty, Volunteering

This year for the second year in a row, Jeanann Cox is participating in a short term volunteering scheme and heading off to Bogotá, in Colombia.  She will spend July dividing her time working in an orphanage for both abled and disabled children and a school for street children.  The trip also involves teaching English […]

Vincent de Paul

Posted on 14. May, 2008 in Achievement, Charity, Poverty

The Vincent De Paul won this year’s award from Reality magazine for best Church organisation of the year. Mairead Bushnell, the National President collected the award and she spoke to Miriam Gormally about the on honour of receiving the award as well as looking at the on-going needs of Irish Society. 

Slavery in Ireland

Posted on 16. Apr, 2008 in Crime, Discrimination, Poverty

Despite the abolition of slavery over 100 years ago, there continues to be exploitation of people throughout the world. Dr. Daire Keogh is a lecturer of History with St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra and conference speaker on the topic of modern day slavery. He answered Miriam Gormally’s question about whether there are still forms of slavery […]