Covid-19 and Climate Change

Posted on 14. May, 2020, in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, EnvironmentComments Off on Covid-19 and Climate Change

Photography: Sasko Lazarov

Dr Lorna Gold is a Scottish-Irish academic, climate campaigner and author. She also works for Trócaire and has been heavily involved in their climate campaign. Inspired by Laudato Si’ she will be hosting, “A Love Letter to the Earth” on May 24th, celebrating the fifth anniversary its publication.

Here she talks with Miriam Gormally about the Covid-19 crisis, its impact on our climate targets and why climate change has never been treated with the same urgency as the current crisis.

Miriam began by asking her whether any of these changes undertaken for this current crisis will have any long term impact on our response to climate change.

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