Gay marriage referendum

Posted on 26. Feb, 2015, in Christian Values, Family1 Comment


Ireland will make history in May 2015 when it becomes the first country to hold a referendum on gay marriage. Civil partnerships came into law in January 2011 in Ireland, but the provisions fall far short of marriage conditions. This coming May, the people of Ireland will be asked to decide whether the following new wording should be added to the Constitution: ‘Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.’

Keith Mills is a gay man who doesn’t believe that the definition of marriage should be changed and that Civil Partnerships are a better option for gay couples. Speaking on behalf of Mothers and Fathers matters, an organisation set up to fight the Government’s new Children and Family Relationships Bill, he explained more to Miriam Gormally.

One response to “Gay marriage referendum”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I find this a fascinating interview and am very grateful to Keith for giving this alternative viewpoint, one that is very well considered. The questions Pat puts are excellent, bringing out the argument even more clearly. It is changing my mind on the issue. I am shocked to think of the high suicide rate among gay people and hear the plea to put the money going into the referendum into services for them. It is interesting that Keith uses an argument that has also come from church sources that marriage is being redefined. Bringing this further by suggesting that it could be adapted further to allow for threesomes shows the debate in a new light.