
Posted on 27. Nov, 2019, in Church Teachings, Mental Health1 Comment

Can even the most awful of crimes be forgiven? Robert Enright is a Professor  of Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and has given his input into education to Le Chéile, a school trust with the object of developing a vision of Catholic Education.

He is a co-founder of the International Forgiveness Institute where he has been breaking new ground in the scientific study of forgiveness and helping groups and individuals to find pathways to a forgiving life. In this interview Jo Smith looks at the profound emotional healing that can come from forgiveness, even in extreme cases such as incest.

One response to “Forgiveness”

  1. Michael McCullagh says:

    Great inteview Josepha with Robert. ‘Loved the question on his favourit famous forgiveness person and he came up with Nelson Mandela.

    Soul Waves is really at the coal face wrestling with issues confronting us each day.
    Thank you,