Gay Catholic Voices
Posted on 30. Jul, 2015, in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Gospel Values, Sexuality7 Comments
Pro-Gay Faith groups have met Dr Eamon Martin, the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. Archbishop Eamon Martin, along with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, is to represent the Irish Bishops at the forthcoming Synod of Bishops in Rome in October.
Jim O’Crowley, a gay Catholic, shared with Archbishop Martin the experiences and views of gay Catholics and their families. Brendan Butler of We are Church Ireland explained to the Archbishop “if the Catholic Church is to regain credibility not only with the gay and lesbian community but also with the wider Catholic community then existing Catholic teaching needs to change”.
He drew attention to Paragraph 3 of the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the pastoral care of homosexual persons’ (CDF,1986) as morally offensive as it describes homosexual orientation as an objective disorder and ordered towards an intrinsic moral evil’. The pro-gay faith delegation requested Archbishop Martin to consider this issue during his discussions at the Synod of Bishops in Rome. Brendan Butler explained more to Miriam Gormally.
Revelations has now being confirmed by your groups
Rather than the laws of God that are clear on controversial issues
God said to Moses “man must not lie with man in sexually lust, it is corrupt immoral and abomination. it also is in Paul’s and Mathew new Testament
(Your group We are Church Ireland) supports same sex marriage. The word equality marriage is made up and has nothing to do with Marriage or even a civil marriage as it is not a human right but a choice for union of man and woman, Marriage blessed by God man and woman become one flesh God said to them “be fruitful and fill the earth” God loves everyone but has clear laws on all matters, so why not take your issue up with God?
You do not speak for Christians and seem post Catholics
I think there is a lot of controversy around this issue and we would do well to follow Pope Francis’ example of listening with an open heart and an open ear.
God Bless and protect the Island of Ireland I ask in Jesus’s Name, He will not abandon Irish people who believe and follow His Word and focus on Holy Trinity
After hearing secrecy of meeting with your group pro same sex marriage and gays of 2 percent in Ireland ie(We are Church Ireland) and Irish Primate RCC Eamon Martin.
There may be many Catholics who are concerned in a Church that does not seem to feed their sheep in Word of God on controversial issues. As result of new revelations by (WACI) promoting same sex marriage and active gays who don’t believe their gay act is a sin and claim to be Catholics who want change in these issues in RCC
I my self was harassed by two gays threating me when I was minding my own business and not in any confrontation.
I note the secretly by the We are Church Ireland and RCC Primate Dr Eamon Martin Armagh and Archbishop D Martin Dublin on soul radio recorded short time ago
I note request by WACI groups pro same sex marriage to RCC Ireland said “that any documents or letters to churches by RCC or media on opposing Same sex Marriage on incoming Married Reference ROI that would offend the Gay community was not to be done publically was to appease (We are church Ireland Groups)by the Primate Eamon Martin
The problem was and still is @ highest level of RCC church to why the yes vote had passed because they did not argue the case and very weak opposing SSM nor to the people and RCC ignored God’s word in old and new testament God said “Man must not lie in sexual lust with man”it is immoral, corrupt, unnatural and abomination
The failure to protect the union of man and woman in Constitution’s Referendum vote was the Irish Bishops at highest level and the Vatican RCC, it is and was deceitful misleading by RCC to deny people the truth on Word of God on controversial issues.?
Now the Church is trying to hide the evidence from public of video recording soul radio /Marian INTERVIW between Pro same sex marriage promoters groups with Dr Eamon Martin Primate of Al Ireland
Jesus said “We will know them by their fruits”?
Homosexuals high rank in the church’s protection are as one with(We are Church Ireland groups pro same sex marriage promoters immoral sinful corruption
Jesus was betrayed for 40 pieces of silver I note the Church covering up and charging for the video which may be censured, parts cut out,however I had listened and recording of original.
W e are living in challenging time closer to Judgement
Repentance needed on endorsement of same sex marriage
I know the majority of people are good but were misled.