God in the Wilderness

Posted on 09. Apr, 2020, in Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Vocation1 Comment

During this time of difficulties where many are asking where is God, Mike Drennan SJ, Director of Manresa, counsellor and spiritual director, takes a look at finding God in Wilderness. Drawing on stories from the Bible where people were often put into challenging circumstances and had to dig deep to reflect on the meaning of life and discover new resilience, Mike explores how

Mike Drennan SJ is a former Director of Manresa and has practised extensively as a counsellor and as a spiritual director. He was Secretary General of the Conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI) from 2003 to 2007. Since then he has been engaged in administrative work in the Irish Jesuit Province.

One response to “God in the Wilderness”

  1. Sheila says:

    Thank you for deep meaning to lockdown