Affordable Accommodation

Posted on 17. Oct, 2019, in Community, Family, HomelessnessComments Off on Affordable Accommodation

John Mark McCafferty CEO of Threshold argues that there is a shortage of affordable accommodation in Ireland and many people are priced out of the market. He was saying that even ‘cost rental’ or ‘affordable apartments’ in Dublin can be as much as 1,200euro a month for a two bed, compared to a Viennese Model where good quality social housing can be as affordable as 600 euro a month. He says that housing needs to become a top priority for all government parties and that it is an important moral for people to be able to have their own home.
Threshold was set up by Capuchin Fr Donal O’Mahony in Cork in the 1970’s to help those in private rented accommodation keep a roof over their heads. Today it helps keep over 100 families and individuals from all walks of life in their homes and tackles 76,000 queries per annum. It is currently on a fundraising drive.

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