Love Letter to the Earth

Posted on 21. May, 2020, in Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment, Faith Groups, NatureComments Off on Love Letter to the Earth

May marks the fifth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, Care for our Common Home which revolutionised much of our theological thinking around the environment and our relation to the earth. Together with Veritas, Trócaire, the Mary Alyward Centre and Eco Congregations, they are organising an online evening of music, poetry and theology celebrating the publication of Laudato Si’ and our appreciation of the earth. Miriam Gormally spoke with Jane Mellett, who works for Trócaire promoting the message of Laudato Si’ and trying to get people to really reflect on their relationship with the earth and our deep interconnectedness.

To take part email or go to the Margaret Alyward Centre webpage.

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