Persecuted and Forgotten?

Posted on 22. Oct, 2015, in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Death, Gospel Values, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees, UncategorizedComments Off on Persecuted and Forgotten?

R1Dr. John Newton with Miriam Gormally

Persecuted and Forgotten? A report on Christians oppressed for their faith 2013-15 was compiled by Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. The report assesses countries where there are violations of religious freedom. It concludes on the warning that if the exodus of Christians continues from Iraq and Syria that Christian communities there will disappear within five years.

Describing the report as “exposing the greatly underestimated extent of anti-Christian persecution”, Persecuted and Forgotten? editor Dr John Newton said: “Extremist violence has created a fear of genocide among Christian communities leading to an exodus of the faithful from large swathes of the Middle East”.

But he added: “But it is not just Islamist extremism that has led to this displacement, Persecuted and Forgotten? graphically illustrates that a number of different factors including intolerant nationalism and historically communist totalitarian regimes are also oppressing Christians.” Here he talks to Miriam Gormally about those Christians who are persecuted and forgotten.

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