Pope Francis and me: part four
Posted on 18. Apr, 2013, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Feminism/Women in the Church3 Comments
In the final part of our series, Pope Francis and me, we look at some of the controversial issues within the church. John Guiney SJ spoke with Miriam Gormally about his hopes for how Pope Francis will deal with women’s ordination, celibacy and homosexuality. He began first by saying how pleased he was that a Pope was chosen from outside of Europe and how his election shows us that the Church can still surprise us.
I am a Catholic physician educated at Loyola University Chicago and Trinity College Dublin. I want to thank Miriam Gormally and John Guiney,SJ for this fine interview, which is down to earth and full of common sense. My own brother was ordained for the archdiocese of Chicago. He left the priesthood 2 years later when he fell in love with a wonderful woman and married. They went on to have 5 great children. My brother, Tom, is the director of religious education in the Catholic parish where they live, but our church will not allow him back into the active priesthood because he fell in love with a woman. That to me is wrong and is not what Jesus would do. My brother loves the church and would like to be an active priest again. Human rules are blocking that from happening. Thank you John Guiney for stressing the need for an end to mandatory celibacy for priests.
This is a lovely interview and I am all with John in his ideas about the participation of women in the church and the need to eliminate clericalism etc. It was good that the hard questions were asked. However, I am most concerned about developments with regard to women religious in the US and Pope Francis’s affirmation of their censure. I had been excited about his election but now have many doubts. I hope that John’s ideas have space to be heard.
The Holy Spirit is Alive and Working in people like Mirmian and John.