The new Sexual Revolution
Posted on 21. Jun, 2012, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings1 Comment
Pure in Heart are a group who promote chastity until marriage. Due to its counterculture message, some have called their movement the new Sexual Revolution. Miriam Gormally met Fergal McGrath from the Pure in Heart mission team at the Eucharistic Congress and he talked about their work and the response their teaching receives from people. He began by explaining how it all started.
Good interview. While I doubt that chastity, as promoted by Fergal, is the simple answer to what is an enormously complex issue it certainly may be one of the answers for many of the young and not-so-young. Of particular interest are Fergal’s comments of how people objectify others and become objectified themselves. More items on this area should be considered. Analyses akin to Fergal’s do not enter mainstream media as a rule. Paul