Reflection on Being 80
Posted on 31. Aug, 2017, in Relationships, Vocation1 Comment
Here is a piece from the archives speaking with Paul Andrews a Jesuit priest after his 80th birthday in 2007. He looks back at the history of the church and his own involvement with it, his regrets as well as the things he was proud of.
Originally from Omagh he has had a varied career during which he was a teacher, headmaster, psychologist, psychotherapist, he directed retreats and also did some writing. He spoke frankly to Eileen Good about his thoughts as he looked back over the years and especially on his life as a priest.
What a lovely interview. Paul sounds like he if he is enjoying the best of life. His reflections on how the Church took too long to loosen their grip on people is freeing to hear and his hope for the future sounds possible. I was glad to hear him express thanks for what religious orders did for those in need, in the past, and how this formed the basis for economic expansion. I wish him well as he celebrated being eighty and hope he is still enjoying the tranquility that exudes from this interview.