Remembering John Hume

Posted on 06. Aug, 2020, in Achievement, Christian Values, Community, Conflict, Death, Gospel ValuesComments Off on Remembering John Hume

John Hume, one of the key architects of the Good Friday Agreement, “never lost faith in peace”, mourners at his funeral have been told.

The former SDLP leader and Nobel Prize laureate died on Monday, August the 3rd, aged 83.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings, there were limited numbers of about one hundred people at the funeral mass in St Eugene’s Catherdral in Derry.

Fr Paul Farren said that in life, Mr Hume “never lost faith in his ability to convince others that peace was the only way.”

Miriam Gormally met with Pat Coyle, Director of Communications for the Jesuits, who also grew up in Derry and knew of John Hume from a very young age. Later in life she came to know him professionally when she interviewed him for the BBC.

Calling him a prophet of our age, she said that he was someone who bore witness to the peaceful message of Christianity even at great personal expense and at time threats to his life. Pat began by talking about how she felt watching the funeral.

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