Rose Kennedy on Grace and Grief
Posted on 12. Dec, 2019, in Achievement, Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, GriefComments Off on Rose Kennedy on Grace and Grief
Rose Kennedy was the grande dame of contemporary American politics, seeing three of her children find great success. Success came with even more tragedy for Kennedy, as she lost two children in the 1940s and sons John and Robert were assassinated in the 1960s.
In this archive piece from Radharc productions, we hear of her remarkable grace, faith and dignity in the face of these terrible misfortunes and how she drew solace from the sufferings of Our Lady.
Mrs Rose Kennedy talks frankly about her life, her family and her faith. The piece includes interviews with Senator Edward Kennedy and Mrs Eunice Shriver, and was produced in and around the Kennedy homes at Hyannisport, Massachusetts in 1973.