Surprised by Fire

Posted on 07. Dec, 2017, in Book Reviews, Charity, Christian Values, Gospel Values, Volunteering1 Comment

Author of Suprised by Fire, Martina Lehane Sheenan spoke about where we get our happiness from. She pointed to studies that showed that most of our happiness comes, not from our external belongings, but from our own inner attitude. She spoke with Miriam Gormally about how happiness shouldn’t necessarily been seen as something outside of us. She talked about how in the lead up to Christmas in particular, we should look to other sources of happiness rather than purely commercial ones. She speaks about her own satisfaction in writing books that bring joy to people and how giving away the royalties to Chernobyl Children International helps magnify the joy she gets from writing the books.

One response to “Surprised by Fire”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    What a refreshing reminder in this advent season. Many thanks. It was a real gift and outside of the commercial chaos.