Thanks to your Noble Shadow

Posted on 03. Mar, 2016, in Achievement, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Eastern Spirituality, Education, Feminism/Women in the Church, Film Reviews, Gospel Values, Older People, Vocation, Working AbroadComments Off on Thanks to your Noble Shadow

noble shadow

“Thanks to your Noble Shadow” is a feature-length independent documentary film about Ireland’s last missionary nun in Japan. Sr. Paschal O’ Sullivan returned to Cork in 2010 after 75 years as a missionary nun with the Infant Jesus (Drishane) Sisters in Tokyo. Her cousin, James Creedon – a journalist for the international news channel, France 24 – spent a year recording her memories. The result is a moving portrayal of a fascinating and funny hundred-year-old woman. The film draws heavily on archive footage to depict her life and times, shining a light on the work and sacrifice of Irish missionaries. Sr. Paschal passed away shortly after the end of filming in December 2013.

Miriam Gormally went to the first screening in Ireland in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin Castle and met with James Creedon to find out why he decided to make this documentary.

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