The Micah Community
Posted on 13. Aug, 2015, in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Relationships1 Comment
Another piece from 2007 looking at the Micah Community, a group that focuses on faith and friendship.
Fr. Michael McCullagh is a Vincentian priest currently working in the parish of Phibsboro in Dublin. He encourages young people there to be involved in their church through an awareness of their faith and the value of friendship. For several years he travelled the country giving parish retreats and he told Eileen Good what he found were people’s needs, and what kept them going on a day-to-day basis.
What a refreshing interview. Participation is such a vital element in any of our lives and, as society evolves, it needs to form in a new way. Imagine that it started with an invitation to one young person and has grown so well.