Unmet Commitments in Prisons

Posted on 30. Jun, 2016, in Christian Values, PrisonComments Off on Unmet Commitments in Prisons

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The Prison Services and Irish Probation Service recently launched their Annual Report for 2015 and Strategic Plans for 2016 – 2018. Eoin Carroll from the Jesuit Centre of Faith and Justice says that while progress has been made there continue to be unmet commitments from the Prison Service’s Three Year Strategic Plan 2012-2015.

Chronic overcrowding continues in many prison centres around the country and there are a growing number of women in prison largely for crimes of poverty and debt. Miriam Gormally met with Eoin Carroll and he explained more about what needs to be done and how the implementation of cell share risk assessment could have prevented the death of Gary Douche in 2006.

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