Responding to the Environment

Posted on 07. Nov, 2019, in Achievement, Christian Values, Ecology1 Comment

The meeting for the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian region brought for several important proposals. Most of the attention went to the issue of married clergy and female deacons, but they also took a very hard look at the environment and our planet’s future.

In this second part of our series with Colm Holmes, from We are Church, we look at the environmental issues and why  it a Christian duty to take on board what we are being told by scientist in terms of protecting our home. He talks about the devastation to the Amazon and how our desire for beef and timber is driving so much of it and how this creates a moral obligation to live more sustainably.

Miriam began by asking him whether Christian duty went beyond just going to Mass on a Sunday.

One response to “Responding to the Environment”

  1. sarah ann harding says:

    We’ve waited 3 centuries for women to have a voice . Let’s not get sidetracked.