The Synod’s Global Impact

Posted on 16. Oct, 2014 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Education, Feminism/Women in the Church, Humane Vitae

The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family has been looking at issues surrounding modern families and how to reconcile Church teachings with the reality lived by people on the ground. More than 250 participants, including 14 married couples from around the world are there. There are 190 voting members and over 60 non voting […]

The Synod of Bishops

Posted on 09. Oct, 2014 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae

The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family kicked off in Vatican City on Monday, and we are beginning to see what frank and open dialogue may look like in the church at its highest level in 2014. Many Catholics are hopeful the synod will bring meaningful change to how the church ministers to the […]

A Priest’s Path

Posted on 07. Aug, 2014 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Community, Vocation

Another archive pieces, from May 2005, looking at what life is like as a priest. Fr. Paul O’Boyle shares his thoughts on his own role and the importance of living as a member of the parish community, knowing the people and walking the road of life with them and the importance of sharing the word […]

Celebrating 40 years a priest

Posted on 24. Jul, 2014 in Achievement, Celibacy/Sexuality, Gospel Values

Fr Michael McCullagh CM, spiritual advisor to seminarians in Maynooth College, recently celebrated 40 years as a priest. Looking at topics like relationship, marriage and celibacy, he talks candidly to Miriam Gormally about the varied and challenging life of a priest. As a spiritual advisor he also looks at the differences between his role as […]

Sexual formation for celibacy

Posted on 12. Jun, 2014 in Celibacy/Sexuality

Last week we spoke with Fr John Guiney SJ who questioned the need for celibacy. This week we hear from Kevin O’Rourke who writes about and leads workshops on being a sexually healthy celibate. He talks about how it’s important to prepare for a life of celibacy. Here he talks with Pat Coyle about how celibacy […]

Rethinking Mandatory Celibacy

Posted on 05. Jun, 2014 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings

Twenty-six Italian women who claim to be having affairs with a priest have written to Pope Francis asking him to lift the Catholic clergy’s vow of celibacy. They say they are being forced to “live in silence” and would like to live their love fully. Mandatory celibacy for priests has long been a controversial issue. […]

Church and Sexuality

Posted on 29. Aug, 2013 in Celibacy/Sexuality

A piece from our archive – April 5th 2013   The recent Bishop’s Conference for the Church of Ireland was held at Ballyconnell in Cavan. It was an attempt to address issues of gender and sexuality within the Church, in particular homosexuality. Archdeacon Gordon Linney who contributed to the book, Moving forward together: Homosexuality and […]

The Church and Tradition

Posted on 08. Aug, 2013 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Feminism/Women in the Church

A piece from  our archive – July 19th 2012 – Fr. James Kullen discusses controversial issues in the church and female ordination. Choosing the priesthood is perhaps no longer a traditional choice, but one that still attracts those who feel the call. Fr. James Kullen is a newly ordained priest and he talks with Miriam […]

Addressing Abortion

Posted on 20. Jun, 2013 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Humane Vitae

Fine Gael TD Peter Mathews put three motions before a meeting of the Fine Gael parliamentary party calling for the proposed abortion legislation to be scrapped, the suicide clause to be removed and for members to have a free vote. However he did not get support for any of these motions and voting for the […]

Debate on sexuality

Posted on 23. May, 2013 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church of Ireland, Church Teachings

The Church of Ireland is embarking on a structured debate throughout the island on human sexuality within the context of Christian belief.  The debate was precipitated by the decision in 2011 by the Very Reverend Tom Gordon, Dean of Leighlin in Carlow, to enter a same-sex civil partnership.  Largely ignored by media in the Republic, […]