Censorship on Tibet

Posted on 01. Apr, 2009 in Media, Places of Conflict

Conflict between China and Tibet is in the news again as China has banned an internet video showing violence towards Tibetans. China is also believed to be behind the South Africa ban on allowing the Dalai Lama entry to a peace conference in Johannesburg. Miriam Gormally met Neil Steedman, chairman of the Tibet Support group […]

In the Doghouse

Posted on 18. Mar, 2009 in Media

Recent events in the Catholic Church have resulted in less than favourable headlines about both Church and clergy – and caused all concerned to be ‘in the doghouse’’.  This is the opening phrase in the current edition of ‘STUDIES’ the Jesuit quarterly publication edited by Fr. Fergus O’Donoghue.  In his editorial he points out that […]

Atonement Walk

Posted on 21. Jan, 2009 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Conflict, Crime, Media, Pilgrimage

Due to the complex and sensitive nature of this issue, and to give it a full explanation, we have allowed this piece to run on longer than our usual pieces.   Mishandling of information regarding child sex abuse in the Church has again brought sorrow and disappointment to the people of Ireland. One priest, Fr. […]

Internet Addiction

Posted on 07. Jan, 2009 in Addiction, Media

The Internet has significantly changed our lives. Many of us use it on a daily basis, both for work and pleasure. And while for most, the experience is a positive one, but there is new research to suggest that some people are spending too much time online and that they are essentially addicted. Pat Coyle […]

U.S. President Elect

Posted on 07. Jan, 2009 in Faith and Justice, Media

The inauguration of Barak Obama on the 20th of January will be the beginning a new era in America and indeed the rest of the world. The event has generated so much excitement that people are bussing in from all corners of America, and Washington is preparing itself for a record turnout. But can the […]

Church and Media

Posted on 24. Dec, 2008 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Media

Over Christmas we are bound to watch several films. But what choices are we making and what effect, if any, does this have on our faith. Richard Leonard SJ is a specialist in cinema studies and Director of the Australian Catholic Film and Television Office.  He is also author of the book, Movies that Matter […]


Posted on 29. Oct, 2008 in Crime, Media, Politics

Trafficking of people is the third most profitable business in the world after selling drugs and gun running and effects many millions of people worldwide. Maura O’Donoghue MMM was at a conference in Paris where members of two organisation working against trafficking, Caritas and COATNET, met up to put pressure on Sarkosy to change legislation […]

News from Zimbabwe

Posted on 16. Apr, 2008 in Community, Crime, Media

Zimbabwe has been in the news a great deal lately as the nation worries about how far Mugabe will go to ensure that he remains in power. Protestors against Mugabe and even those who voted against him now fear beatings and torture. Miriam Gormally phoned Oskar Wermter SJ living and working in Zimbabwe and asked […]

Church and Movies

Posted on 05. Feb, 2008 in Film Reviews, Media

Are films just all sex and violence, or do they have a message for us. Richard Leonard is a Jesuit whose enviable job is to go to films and write reviews.  He claims that we need to be aware of what is going on in films, but also that we have to keep an open […]

Radio Maria in Sierra Leone

Posted on 26. Dec, 2007 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Media

Fr Joe Turay, is the Director of the Fatima Institute, a centre for third level education in Northern Sierra Leone, which aims to enhance good governance and human rights through its work with local councillors and chiefs.  In addition to this Fr Joe is also the Director of Radio Maria Sierra Leone.  On a recent […]