Reverse Mission

Posted on 30. May, 2013 in Church Teachings, Poverty

Michael McCullagh, a Vincentian priest said that St. Vincent de Paul had a radical understanding of mission when said “Only for your love, your love alone, will the poor forgive you for the bread you give them.” This is an understanding he says, that we need to bring to the world today in engage in […]

Addressing Hunger

Posted on 18. Apr, 2013 in Ecology, Environment, Poverty

The persistence of hunger in the 21st century represents “the grossest of human rights violations” and the “greatest ethical failure of the current global system”, President Michael D Higgins said as he opened an international conference on the issue in Dublin earlier this week. Miriam Gormally spoke with Christopher Mweembe who was at the conference. […]

Aids: a Feminist Issue

Posted on 07. Feb, 2013 in Feminism/Women in the Church, Poverty

Michael Kelly SJ is a lifelong researcher on the topic of AIDS. He has looked at the history of the development of the disease and the responses to it. In his new book HIV and AIDS, A Social Justice Perspective, he says that the central issue around AIDS is not technological or biological. “It is […]

Millennium Development Goals

Posted on 08. Nov, 2012 in Charity, Environment, Poverty

In 2000, 189 nations made a promise to free people from extreme poverty and multiple deprivation. The pledge became the eight Millennium Development Goals, which were to be achieved by 2015. They are to reduce hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat disease, ensure environmental sustainability and […]

Christians and Consumerism

Posted on 18. Oct, 2012 in Church of Ireland, Church Teachings, Poverty

The incoming President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, Dr. Heather Morris is a cleric and the Director of Ministry at Edgehill Theological College in Belfast. She joins Father Kieran O’Mahony as an ecumenical canon at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. The Church of Ireland’s national cathedral invites leading members of other churches to become ecumenical […]

Eradication of Poverty

Posted on 18. Oct, 2012 in Chaplaincy, Church Teachings, Poverty, Prison

October 17th is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Miriam Gormally met with Sr. Caoimhín Ní Uallacháin OP who has spent her life working with the poorest of the poor and was present at the commemoration of this year’s event beside the famine statues in Dublin. She spoke about the violence of poverty and why […]

Crisis in Sudan

Posted on 19. Jul, 2012 in Poverty

Wracked by decades of conflict, Sudan recently split into two new countries, both of which face enormous challenges. The North-South war – which left an estimated 2 million people dead and 4 million homeless – was brought to an end with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005. South Sudan, which […]

African Aid for Ireland

Posted on 29. Mar, 2012 in Economy, Poverty

Fr Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, Nigerian Jesuit Provincial of six African countries including Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda has said that Africans could offer some help to Ireland and the rest of Europe in this time of recession and crisis. He explained to Pat Coyle, that in his country, people know what it’s like to queue up for hours […]

Slumdog Millionaire Reality

Posted on 08. Jul, 2009 in Poverty

We are all familiar with the box office hit film, Slumdog Millionaire, but how does the film compare with the reality of what it’s like to live in a slum in India?  Miriam Gormally met Maureen Forrest from the Hope Foundation, which works directly with street children in Kolkata, formally known as Calcutta.  Maureen told […]

Recession and Aid

Posted on 24. Jun, 2009 in Economy, Humanitarian Aid, Poverty

Dr. Lorna Gold is Advocacy Manager with Trocaire – who work with the poorest people who are far away.  Eileen Good met her in Maynooth and spoke about the phrase – ‘Make Poverty History’ – which was meant to change everything for the better, but somehow seems to have been forgotten over the past few […]