Creating new Communities

Posted on 22. Sep, 2016, in Uncategorized1 Comment


Margaret Wheatley is an American writer and management consultant who studies organisational behaviour. She was thrown into the public spotlight in 1992 with the publication of Leadership and the New Science, a groundbreaking look at how new discoveries in quantum physics, chaos theory, and biology challenge our standard ways of thinking in organisations. It showed how our reliance on old, mechanistic models stand in the way of innovation and effective leadership. Having worked for years looking at the organisational behaviour of large cooperations, she now says that the level of change needed may be too much. Citing Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” she says that he has pointed a way towards how we can change things, but Margaret questions whether we will be able to achieve this and says we need focus on small local communities instead. Marie Stuart began by asking her where her views of the world is currently at.

One response to “Creating new Communities”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I have read much of what Margaret has written and is therefore wonderful to hear her voice. Still, her message is so clear that a quiet revolution is necessary. May I – we- hear this fount of wisdom and act accordingly.