Finding God with Alzheimers

Posted on 27. Sep, 2018, in Christian Values, Community, Mental Health, Older People1 Comment

In this final part of our three part series, Des O’Grady SJ, talks about finding God in his journey with Alzheimers. He talks about how the disease has not made him bitter but rather allows him to be more contemplative.

He currently works as a chaplain in Dundrum central mental hospital and says Alzheimers makes him focus on deepening his appreciation of all the things that are good in his life.

He talks to Pat Coyle about the role that his Faith plays in dealing with the disease and says that he lives with God everyday and believes that things will work out, which is a daily act of Faith. He added that Alzheimers allows him to see that the world is even more precious. Pat began by asking him how he found more time for appreciation and contemplation.

His story is also being submitted to be part of the Elder Project following the success of the letter exchange between Pope Francis and children from around the world resulting in the New York Times bestseller Dear Pope Francis. The Elder Project will give older people a similar opportunity to share their wisdom and concerns with upcoming generations.

One response to “Finding God with Alzheimers”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    And what a great gift these three interviews are. How wonderful that Des has memory of that mystical starry night. As before, this interview is nourishment for my soul and gives me hope even in the midst of chaos. A zillion thanks to both of you, Des and Pat.