Finding Hope in Despair
Posted on 15. Nov, 2012, in Mental Health, Suicide, Uncategorized1 Comment
The death by suicide of Father Muredach Tuffy, well loved priest within the Mayo parish was a tragedy which stuck the nation. Miriam Gormally spoke with Cindy O’Connor from Pieta house about his death and how such an active and helpful member of the society could have died by suicide and how places like Pieta house can make a difference.
Hi Miriam,
This is a great interview. So apt at this moment. A priest, pastor, shepherd, carer has himself died by suicide. As Cindy has said none of us have had a smooth journey.
It is a really upbeat interview.
APR: Ask, Persuade, Refer
GWP: God will provide
Easy to remember those.
I think we have enough in the Archive now for Soul Waves to produce its own CD on this sad reality which touches all of our lives.
Well done, Miriam, Cindy and, of course, Pieta – may God continue to provide.
Michael McCullagh