Understanding the Eucharist

Posted on 07. Jun, 2012, in Church Teachings, Eucharistic Congress 20121 Comment

The majority of Catholics in Ireland do not attend Mass regularly and significant numbers do not believe in key tenets of the church’s teaching, according to an Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll. One of the key teachings, the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ during the Eucharist, was only fully believed by 26% of Catholics. This raises questions both for what Catholicism means to people who are Catholic as well as how the Eucharist is being taught. It also raises challenges for the Eucharistic Congress, which is taking place next week from the 10th to the 17th of June. Miriam Gormally asked Gene Dalton, who is a practising Catholic, primary school teacher and member of Catholic Comment, whether she was surprised by the results and what they meant.

One response to “Understanding the Eucharist”

  1. Michael McCullagh says:

    Hi Miriam,

    I have just listened to the interview with Jean Dalton. It is great to hear a scientist deeply interested in quantum physics and in the Big Bang theory and also in the significance of the Eucharist in her life.

    It is certainly a new fresh voice from a new generation and she is a primary teacher. ‘Wonderful to think of her influence for good on the children.

    Another brilliant interview. I also listened to Fr.Michael Drumm on education. You really got a great insight from him into the what parents at a local level are seeking.

    Keep up this great work. Each week one set of great interviews replaces another.

    Will Jo Smith join you? We really need to send an email to all the Bishops with a personal note and the new email. Perhaps I will get a space to do it this week-end.

    Thank you, again, Miriam;

    With kind wishes,

    Michael McCullagh