Raise the Roof

Posted on 11. Oct, 2018 in Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Homelessness

Over 10,000 people took to the streets last week to Raise the Roof and get the government to do something about the housing and homelessness crisis. Margaret Burns from The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice was at the march and said that the government really needed to listen to the people and start to […]

A Life Changing Experience

Posted on 16. Aug, 2018 in Charity, Church Teachings, Faith and Justice

In this piece from 2005, we look back on a piece with the Galway hurler Alan Kerins who took three-months unpaid leave of absence from his job as a physiotherapist to work on an outreach programme with the Presentation Sisters at the Cheshire Home in Mongu, the main township of Western Province in Zambia. The […]

Child Poverty

Posted on 09. Aug, 2018 in Faith and Justice, Poverty

In this piece from 2005, we looked at some shocking statistics released by Bernardos revealing that one in seven Irish children live in poverty.  Ian Poulton met with Archbishop Robin Eames at Dromintine in Armagh at the Child Poverty Forum and talked about what can be done about this problem and the role that Christians have […]

‘If You Listen’

Posted on 09. Aug, 2018 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Music

From his CD ‘TIME’ Liam Lawton sings  ‘If You Listen’  

Abbot of Bolton Abbey

Posted on 09. Aug, 2018 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Vocation

In this piece we remember Fr. Peter Garvey who died in 2014. Here he talks about his recent election as the fourth Abbot of Bolton Abbey, Moone in Co. Kildare.  Previously he had been a monk at Roscrea Abbey and involved with teaching there, so the move towards a more contemplative life is new for him.  […]

Working in Cambodia Part 2

Posted on 26. Jul, 2018 in Achievement, Christian Values, Community, Conflict, Faith and Justice, Young people

Ashley Evans SJ has spent over 30 years working in Cambodia, teaching and trying to advocate for reform. When he went out there, Cambodia was still devastated from the effects of the Khmer Rouge regime 1975-79 and the Vietnamese occupation (1979-89).  Now the economy is growing at a rate of about 7% per year causing new […]

Supporting Gaza

Posted on 26. Jul, 2018 in Christian Values, Community, Conflict, Faith and Justice, Humanitarian Aid

Eman is a refugee, born in Lebanon, whose family currently live in Gaza,. She herself lives in Ireland and is married to an Irish man. Here she talks with Pat Coyle about being a refugee and how no body choses to be one, but how it brings with it an enormous amount of suffering. She […]

Working in Cambodia Part 1

Posted on 19. Jul, 2018 in Christian Values, Community, Conflict, Different abilities, Faith and Justice

Ashley Evans SJ has spent over 30 years working in Cambodia, teaching and trying to advocate for reform. He talks about how mission in Cambodia is evolving.  When he went out there, Cambodia was still devastated from the effects of the Khmer Rouge regime 1975-79 and the Vietnamese occupation (1979-89).  Now the economy is growing at […]

Interrogating Hauerwas Part 2

Posted on 12. Jul, 2018 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Conflict, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae, War / Civil Unrest

In this second interview with Stanley Hauerwas, named “America’s Best Theologian” by Time magazine in 2001, he gives his reaction to the recent Irish referendum and questions whether the debates we were having were really getting to the heart of the matter. He also looks at the idea of peace and believing in a peaceful future, setting aside […]

Getting ready for WMOF2018

Posted on 05. Jul, 2018 in Achievement, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Faith and Justice, Liturgy

Pope Francis’ attendance at the The two World Meeting of Families 2018 in Ireland has been met with great enthusiasm. Tickets for the two events for which Pope Francis has confirmed attendance, Knock Shrine and the Phoenix Park were very quickly taken up. Knock Shrine is now fully booked out at 45,000 people and the […]