Good Reads for Lent

Posted on 25. Jan, 2018 in Book Reviews, Church Teachings, Gospel Values, Saints

Messenger Publications, a part of The Sacred Heart Messenger operation, has a new line up of books to be published both for Lent and Easter time. Stations for the Soul by artist Joan Keogh is one such book. The book features her own paintings and thoughts on Christ’s passion as mediated through her work.  Another books is […]

Music for Mary

Posted on 07. Dec, 2017 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Feminism/Women in the Church, Liturgy, Music, Saints

Mary is much celebrated at this time of year – December the 8th, when we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Mary and Nov 21st, when we celebrate   “The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. Marie Dunne, a Holy Faith Sister talks about how she wrote her song Mary Temple of the Lord for the […]

Blessed John Sullivan

Posted on 18. May, 2017 in Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Community, Liturgy, Saints, Young people

The Beatification of John Sullivan SJ drew huge crowds to Gardiner Street Church on Saturday May 13th. In the post communion reflections, Church of Ireland Archbishop Michael Jackson, John D’Ardis SJ and Catholic Archbishop Diarmuid Martin spoke movingly about the life of John Sullivan and what he meant to the people in Ireland. Archbishop Michael Jackson […]

The Seven Rejoices of Mary

Posted on 18. May, 2017 in Christian Values, Community, Festivals, Music, Saints

May is the month of Mary. In celebration of this joyous month, here is Noirin ni Riain singing the Seacht Suailci Na Maighdine Muire, the Seven Rejoices of Mary from her album Vox de Nube with the Monks of Glenstal.  

A Man sent by God

Posted on 11. May, 2017 in Achievement, Christian Values, Faith and Justice, Saints

The Beatification of John Sullivan SJ will be at 11 am on 13 May, 2017 in Gardiner Street Church. A Man Sent by God is a book by John Looby SJ giving an account of his life and times. The book looks at his early childhood and education. His first calling was to the bar in London, […]

Details of John Sullivan’s Beatification

Posted on 04. May, 2017 in Charity, Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Church Teachings, Gospel Values, Saints

Fr John Sullivan SJ will be beatified at 11 am on 13 May, 2017 in Gardiner Street Church. The principal celebrant and homilist will be Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and he will be assisted by the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. The Church of Ireland Archbishop of […]

Ireland’s first beatification ceremony

Posted on 20. Apr, 2017 in Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Community, Gospel Values, Saints, Vocation

The date for the beatification ceremony of Blessed John Sullivan elect has been confirmed for Saturday 13 May in Gardiner St Church at 11am. This Church was chosen because it hosts the remains of Fr John Sullivan SJ in a tomb in the church. This is the first ever beatification ceremony to take place in Ireland. […]

Women in Church Art

Posted on 30. Mar, 2017 in Art, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Religious patronage, Saints

In the cross vault of St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City there are four niches, each one containing a very impressive statue. One in particular which stands out – Saint Veronica by Francesco Mochi. His active and passionate depiction of her is at odds with the decorum of the Basilica – the statue shows […]

Staying sober for St. Patrick’s Day

Posted on 16. Mar, 2017 in Alcohol, Christian Values, Community, Saints

The Pioneer Total Abstinence Association (PTAA) has asked people to not abuse alcohol on St Patrick’s Day. Speaking at the launch of the PTAA’s nationwide fundraising appeal for 2017, Raymond O’Connor, project coordinator of the Pioneers, highlighted the relationship between alcohol and celebration in Ireland, looking in particular at St. Patrick’s Day. He said that […]

Lá Féile Bhríde

Posted on 02. Feb, 2017 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Ecology, Feminism/Women in the Church, Saints, St. Brigid, Young people

Lá Féile Bhríde is a celebration of one of the most well-known and loved female Irish saints. She was a woman of the land, a spiritual leader, a peacemaker and a woman of legendary hospitality. Solas Bhride, the light of St. Brigid, is a Christian Spiritual centre and hermitage that opened two years ago in […]